Rest In Peace, my friend

So, at the risk of identifying myself (which I’ve basically stopped caring about), I’d like to take a moment to honour a very, very good friend of mine who passed away on December 21st. Kaylin was an incredibly smart, articulate person who had a wealth of passion and energy when

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New website!

So, because I’m such a tech-geek at heart, I finally set up my very own server in my bedroom! It’s an Apache server (for those of you that know the lingo) and it’s a very cool package – it comes with MySQL, PHPNuke, phpMyAdmin, and a bunch of other cool

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New Blog Software

So, in the swing of things again, I’m trying out new blogging software. Not that I’ve ever had issues here on Blogger (formerly Blogspot) but because it came with my Windows Live! download and it was the only piece of software that looked interesting. It automatically self-configured, so as I

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Update, finally!

So the Conservatives are finally starting to have fun with their majority. We all knew this day would come — when we would be forced to helplessly sit at the sidelines and watch while these idiots we call ‘representatives’ shove through legislation so…

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Help save the CBC!

So I’m not too happy to announce that nothing really that interesting has been happening in my life recently. I haven’t been working with YSB for a while, and I’m no longer on the CSSDP’s advisory board (as far as I know, anyway) because I couldn’t mak…

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This is a gift…

So, my loyal readers, I’m sure that you’ve all been keeping up to date on the activities. Well, the police went overboard (like I predicted) and brutalized SO many people. My girlfriend was part of the group that got boxed in on Queen and Spadina on Su…

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So I just spent an AMAZING ten days in Toronto. We had a Drug User Groups summit and we officially created the Canadian Association of People who Use Drugs (CAPUD). We wrote our mission statement etc. and got everything underway. The overarching goal o…

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Busy bee!

So I was having a really crappy today and yesterday. I spiked my opiate tolerance by using a LOT of Dilaudids, and man did I ever come down sideways when I started to use less. I mean, I was dopesick even before I tried to go to sleep last night, and w…

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So hey. I apologize again for the shabby posting as of late, but here’s the reason:Yes, that’s right, a girl! Can you believe it? I know, you’ve been there with me through a couple of them now! But for real — this one could be the one. And I really me…

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