This is a gift…

So, my loyal readers, I’m sure that you’ve all been keeping up to date on the activities. Well, the police went overboard (like I predicted) and brutalized SO many people. My girlfriend was part of the group that got boxed in on Queen and Spadina on Su…

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Busy bee!

So I was having a really crappy today and yesterday. I spiked my opiate tolerance by using a LOT of Dilaudids, and man did I ever come down sideways when I started to use less. I mean, I was dopesick even before I tried to go to sleep last night, and w…

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Nothing too exciting…

So, nothing too exciting has been happening. I had court this morning, and was surprised to hear that my lawyer didn’t go to the Counsel Pre-Trial he set for Monday — when I talked to him yesterday he made it sound like he went, and he wasn’t even the…

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Naloxone programs

So I just found out that a good friend of mine died of an overdose while I was in jail last week. It came as quite a surprise to her family because she appeared to be a young urban professional with a bright future, and nobody knew that she was secretl…

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