Nothing too exciting…

So, nothing too exciting has been happening. I had court this morning, and was surprised to hear that my lawyer didn’t go to the Counsel Pre-Trial he set for Monday — when I talked to him yesterday he made it sound like he went, and he wasn’t even there this morning, he just left instructions for duty counsel.

Tara recently sent me a link to a video on Youtube. Three MPs, one from the Cons, Liberals, and NDP each introduced petitions with a total of 12,000 signatures opposing Marc Emery’s extradition to the United States, where he could face a life sentence for the small crime of selling viable marijuana seeds. Pretty ridiculous — I signed the petition.

The Youth Stories project is chugging along pretty well. It seems like this week has just flown by! I had a really busy day yesterday. YSB is going to be hosting a forum in May about transitioning youth — youth who are ‘aging out’ of social services (basically, turning 21) and how we can support them. The Youth Engagement Program will be hosting a workshop on how youth engagement can help youth through that period, and give them a skill set that is extremely viable later in life. So I was at meeting about that, and also about the panel presentation at the same forum.

Then we had our weekly outreach (SUAVE — Substance Users are Very Educated) in which we watched Alice in Wonderland (the old animated one, not the new one). When I pick the movie, I try to pick one that has something to do with the social stigma of drug use as portrayed in pop culture, so I was questioning what the hell the point of showing Alice was. But it did stimulate a bit of conversation around hallucinogens and the harm reduction that can be applied to them.

Then I had my weekly HRYAC meeting, which wasn’t terribly exciting either. There’s a couple things coming up but nothing really of note.

Someone recently sent me a newly published study created by the Wellesley Institute in partnership with the SHOUT! Clinic in Toronto, about street youth, substance use and harm reduction which was AMAZING, and I’m slowly reading the whole thing. I’ll try and find the link and post it here.

And tonight, I have my weekly art ground with OIC at 6-9. Pretty awesome group, I get to write songs/music and get paid for it!

And, as a final note, I played the Wii with Sara from Centretown CHC yesterday, and that was awesome as well. I played tennis and bowling with KL as well.

Take care!