A Different Point of View....: Unless people take action, Harper’s scheme will mean ‘Goin’ Down the Road’ for Maritimers

By dramatically changing the health care funding formula, is Prime Minister Stephen Harper showing little concern for the future of the Maritime provinces?  The Health Accord “deal” that Harper practically threw in the face of the provinces and territories this week, not only cuts health funding for all the provinces

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And…we’re back.

Blackout ended. Regular posting (and venting) to resume shortly. Thanks for your understanding, folks. (And for those who also stood up against SOPA, big hugs and major good karma to you all.) Meanwhile, for a striking example of someone who Does. NOT. Get. It., click here. And have your anti-nausea

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Not With A Bang, But A Shilling.

AllTheSellingOutThatFits TheCorpIsNoLongerOurMotherVille The CBC in BC is running its student intern program (or a sort) again. Which is laudable, I reckon. What is not so laudable, by my reckoning anyway, is the fact that is being used as a shillophantic platform for ‘Sylvan Learning Centers’. Now. Regardless whether or not

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