Edwin Current: Ontario Jobs Anyone? a brief analysis

I think one of the biggest issues in the upcoming provincial election is JOBS! I’ve seen it all over the media and it’s also of personal interest to me as I’m looking for work right now.

So I thought I would do a little analysis of each of the major party’s platform strategies for job creation.  Here goes:

Looking at the PC platform there isn’t much there regarding any plan or strategy towards job creation except for this statement:

“A Tim Hudak government will focus on letting the job creators – not the government – drive new job growth.”

Since when has that ever worked???!!  We’ve been seeing unemployment rates soar while businesses post record profits and rich shareholders make gains.  It’s obvious that the job creators aren’t going to use any gains towards driving new growth as shareholders are more important to them.
Anyhow, the PC platform goes on about:

  • Lowering family tax rates
  • Cutting red tape for businesses
  • Lowering corporate tax 
  • Updating the apprenticeship system (however it’s unclear and poorly written as to how or why)
-If you are rich, you might get a break on taxes.
-I honestly don’t see any other pros.  With all the promises of tax relief(aka lowering government revenue), I don’t understand how they will make any of these promises without drastically changing existing services or raising taxes.
-I can’t believe people are such suckers for lower tax promises and ideas that privatization will make things like energy, health and education better.  There’s no proof of privatization being successful anywhere and all you have to do is look south at their education and health system for proof.  As for privatizing energy, every state(or other governing entity) that has attempted this has failed miserably(most recent is California)
-The only people that benefit from any tax cuts are the rich because for middle-lower incomes, small percentage cute are barely noticeable.  Look at Harper’s ridiculous 1% cut off GST! It made very little difference and now the feds are going to have a revenue shortfall to go along with their massive public debt.  see Debt Clock
-Belief that the private sector would ever put people and jobs first is flawed.
The NDP platform has a few ideas around job creation such as:
  • Raising corporate taxes
  • Tax breaks for businesses that provide training for employees
  • Tax breaks for businesses that buy Ontario goods
  • Freezing tuition rates for post secondary education
-The idea of a tax break for business that empowers their employees with training is a great idea
-The world is changing and competition is strong and global.  Although a tax break for businesses buying Ontario sounds like a good idea, it doesn’t make sense in the new emerging global market.
-A tuition rate freeze sounds great for students but how are Ontario universities and Colleges supposed to remain competitive and provide the level of education required with less revenue???  They will need more revenue and where are they going to get it?
-With all the other promises of reform and cuts for “struggling families” (that really will benefit the rich more than anyone else) 
-Their ideas are too simple and might appeal to voters but how does the NDP expect to pull any of this off???(all these promises, tax relief, a deficit and a global recession)?  THERE IS A SERIOUS GAP AND FLAW WITH THEIR PLATFORM.
The Liberal platform appears to have been thought out and has actual strategy and theme.  Here are some details:
  • Make Ontario more competitive globally to attract jobs
    • Education
      • Increased early childhood education
      • Summer learning for struggling students
      • Changes to teacher’s education programs to increase “hands-on” experience
      • Grants for low-mid income family’s post-secondary education
      • Relief with loan payment for post-secondary graduates
    • Incentives for job creators
      • Doubling trade missions to attract global investment in Ontario
      • Promoting innovative businesses in Ontario
      • “Green” energy incentives
      • Lowering taxes on new business investment
      • Continued support of apprenticeship programs
  • Continue to make Ontario people healthy and healthcare more accessible
  • Leadership in Northern Ontario mining jobs and industry
-There is strategy in this plan and it’s not shortsighted like the others.  These aren’t “band-aid” remedies. Everywhere you look nowadays, you see reference to the global market and Ontario needs to keep up.
-“Green” energy incentives, although controversial, will more than likely make Ontario a leader and innovator in this field.  Oil and coal are going to run out soon and prices are going to keep getting higher.  As we gain efficiency with new “Green” energy technology, it will only get cheaper and attract investment in Ontario expertise.
-The education and employment incentives are targeted where they are needed.  Some might call this “unfair” however I would argue they will make things fair.  The wealthy don’t need a break and this country is great and wonderful because of taxes and Canadians who are happy to contribute to one of the best countries in the world.
-There is some amount of risk associated with this plan.
-Criticism (misunderstanding) over “Green” energy will create resistance to change.

FYI – A recent article proving value in “green” energy.

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Terahertz: Right-wing takeover at SFU

Staff who operate many of the student services at SFU, including Out on Campus, the Women’s Centre, and the SFSS Print Centre, have been locked out, without a contract for 10 weeks. The lock-out was initiated by a unanimous vote of the Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) board of directors, who decided that they had […]

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Update, finally!

So the Conservatives are finally starting to have fun with their majority. We all knew this day would come — when we would be forced to helplessly sit at the sidelines and watch while these idiots we call ‘representatives’ shove through legislation so…

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Terahertz: Mulcair is comfortable on the fence

I share in CalgaryGrit’s confusion at Thomas Mulcair’s continued ambivalence about deciding whether to run for the NDP leadership. Perhaps he’s hoping to drag out the media coverage as he hums and haws over his chances of winning, allowing him to increase his national reputation as… someone who can’t make a decision? Regardless, his current […]

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Dead Wild Roses: Sauce for the Anti-Choice Gander

Every restriction on access to Viagra I propose below, is either a fact of life, or a legislated restriction, on abortion in at least one, and often many, American states. When the restrictions and their justifications are imposed on men, they look pretty radically man-hating (never mind that being unable to get a hardon is nowhere near as traumatic as going through childbirth against your will), but in their anti-abortion form, it’s not just fringe whackaloons making the arguments I’ll list, it’s people elected to public office.

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Edwin Current: Embrace Innovation People

I think conservatives are just scared that the clean energy act might be successful. Any educated person knows new technology costs start off high and go down as inputs required for output go down and efficiency is gained. This type of efficiency is already happening in Germany.
It would truly be a shame for Ontario to benefit from this project and become world leaders and innovators at producing clean renewable energy. Yah! It makes more sense to keep burning coal and gas until prices skyrocket even more and all the oil and coal are gone.
Quality journalism and editorial at it’s best below in the National Post! Cover one side of the story and barely that.
I seriously can’t believe people buy into this.

I believe it to be true that every really successful innovative person/idea has had to go through relentless, senseless criticism such as this.

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