gay persons of character: London Bus Campaign: ‘Some People Are Gay. Get Over It!’

Source: Well this is neat. Throughout April, 1,000 buses in London, England, are carrying ads from the British charity, Stonewall, to promote marriage equality. Bearing the tagline, “Some People Are Gay. Get Over It!” the ads link to Stonewall’s equal marriage campaign website, which includes details of the charity’s response

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gay persons of character: London Bus Campaign: ‘Some People Are Gay. Get Over It!’


Well this is neat. Throughout April, 1,000 buses in London, England, are carrying ads from the British charity, Stonewall, to promote marriage equality. Bearing the tagline, “Some People Are Gay. Get Over It!” the ads link to Stonewall’s equal marriage campaign website, which includes details of the charity’s response to the British government’s consultation on the issue and explains how people in support of marriage equality can have their voices heard.

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gay persons of character: London Bus Campaign: ‘Some People Are Gay. Get Over It!’

Source: Well this is neat. Throughout April, 1,000 buses in London, England, are carrying ads from the British charity, Stonewall, to promote marriage equality. Bearing the tagline, “Some People Are Gay. Get Over It!” the ads link to Stonewall’s equal marriage campaign website, which includes details of the charity’s response

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cartoon life: 66 ThanQs will give you a 30 meg download of  PDF book of a selected set of Qs for the Jian in London Campaign. is 74 Q images inspired by contributing to this campaign. Filed under: art, book, digital, London, painting Tagged: creative city, Jian in London

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