No Jonathan Kay, Mark Steyn is not a “thoughtful, mainstream thinker”

Today’s NatPo column by Jonathan Kay shows how he is as guilty as any right wing journalist in exploiting the current climate of fear and hate against the left. He is not the only one. His paper promulgates hate for the left on a ongoing basis. It unabashedly promotes the Conservative party 24/7. But today’s . . . → Read More: No Jonathan Kay, Mark Steyn is not a “thoughtful, mainstream thinker”

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gritchik: Tim Hudak’s candidate’s comment on abortion

Since Dammit Janet! helped vault Hudak’s position on abortion into the internet stratosphere, I’ve been reading the various blogs and MSM articles on same and I was struck by a few things.  First, how many of the journalists, bloggers, commenters, etc. are male.  And, secondly, the abundance of  absurd misconceptions and ignorance surrounding the issue. Here’s the […]

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