War on drugs. NDP vs. Liberals.

I’ve been increasingly hard on the Liberals since the first days post-Chretien. So much so, I’ve gravitated towards the NDP. A prime indicator for me of my feelings towards the parties has been that which distinguishes their attitudes towards the war on drugs, particularly in regards to victimless pot. For

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Of pissing contests and molehills

It’s discouraging reading the establishment progressive community’s dismissive and condescending response to Fern Hill. Right or wrong, Fern Hill deserves not to be talked down to. Despite support for Hill from the most articulate members of our community, from Dr. Dawg to the folks at the heavily-traffiked Galloping Beaver, lesser

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Harper selling out Canada to China

Reading BigCityLib this morning I see how the Calgary Herald deliberately lied about the phantom “Brazil interveners” in its editorial written on behalf of the Conservatives. Funny that because Canada is rapidly being sold out to foreign special interests by deep pocket puppet Stephen Harper. $5.5 billion of sell out from China.

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