Peace, order and good government, eh?: Friday night

I had two of these links stashed away for a while — kinda laid back, not really blues, but good enough to work with. When I came across a third I decided to put them all together and call it a change of pace. The first performance was recorded on Roy Rogers’ couch. I never fail to be amazed at the sound Norton Buffalo could get out of a harmonica….

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The Progressive Economics Forum: MMT: What it Means for Canada

Arun Dubois’ blog post yesterday on Modern Monetary Theory has prompted me to write my own take on the subject.  For those interested, an interesting thumbnail sketch of MMT, essentially functional finance augmented by a full understanding of monetary operations, is explained at While MMT deals with the details of monetary and fiscal matters, […]

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The new new McCarthyism

Because everything old is new again. I refer to Toronto City Councillor, homophobe and stalker Giorgio (formerly George) Mammoliti, finally coming completely unglued. This being 2011, of course, the commies aren’t under his bed, but showing up on his…

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