Trashy's World: Friday miscellany…

… snowy December day edition… Good article in the Citizen{yes, I used good and Citizen in the same phrase} yesterday about the ridiculousness of our quad education system in Ontario. The issue of the wastefulness of our quadruplicated system of education seems to pop its head above the water twice

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The Pantsafire Chronicles

Gazebos and chandeliers, false rumours, now fishing trips…Tomorrow? Who knows. But Harper’s cabinet promises endless new material. Enough for an on-going series? Why, yes, I do believe so. Today Peter MacKay, whose pants have been burning merrily since the days of the Canadian Alliance-Progressive Conservative Anschluss, is in the news

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Holes in MacKay’s credibility

Oh, Peter MacKay. After claiming that the helicopter ride he took from a fishing lodge to a waiting Challenger jet was part of a pre-ordained search-and-rescue exercise, new documents have shown that no, that was not indeed the case, that military officials warned him against taking the helicopter, that the landing area

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