Cherry cooler

Do Canadians really love right-wing vulgarity? Apparently not. SunTV, despite Ezra Levant’s fevered cross-dressing antics, has fared dismally. Torontonians have tired of the crass Rob Ford. And now, contrary to all the hype, it seems that the CBC’s overpaid Don Cherry, surely the poster-child for oafish commentary, may actually be

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Homophobia on campus

“I come to Canada, a country that carries the name of human rights…I came here to be free…where can I go now?” These are the words of hate crime victim Mojtaba, originally from Iran. He was beaten and his throat slashed on the campus of Seneca College, while his assailant,

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Morton's Musings: Attawapiskat

Various newspaper and media commentary have suggested the answer to the problem in Attawapiskat, and other isolated First Nations communities, is to move everyone to a southern urban setting. A typical comment is: She believes the only solution to improving the lives of natives on isolated reserves is to get

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Trashy's World: Friday miscellany…

… snowy December day edition… Good article in the Citizen{yes, I used good and Citizen in the same phrase} yesterday about the ridiculousness of our quad education system in Ontario. The issue of the wastefulness of our quadruplicated system of education seems to pop its head above the water twice

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