CathiefromCanada: Sigh

The Harper Cons say its critical that Canada sell its oil to the States. And they’re also saying its critical that Canada sell its oil to Asia.No wonder the Harper Cons abandoned Kyoto — our government won’t be interested in energy conservation until Canada hasn’t got anything more to sell.

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They’ve Got A New Life!

HowCanTwoPersonsLikeYou BringUsJoyVille The best of Lotusland’s (no longer pro?) journalists, Paul Willcocks and Jody Paterson, have a new life. In Honduras! With Accordian!!! “Later I pulled out the accordion – which has spent much of the last two days stuffed into the carry-on bins of our various planes – and

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Red Tory v.3.0.3: Fact-Free GOP

The Daily Beast’s John Avalon highlights just two examples of egregious misstatement of fact from last night’s Republican debate. Sadly, this just barely scratches the surface of the staggering shitpile of demonstrably ridiculous LIES that are routinely delivered to prospective Republican voters on a daily basis. I guess it says

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