Police Chiefs spend tax dollars to lobby for warrantless online surveillance

SOS_100xx100.png Police lobby sends a call-out amidst lingering questions about upcoming bills January 18, 2011— The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) is scrambling to find ways to justify upcoming bills that would allow warrantless surveillance of law-abiding Canadians’ online private information, says pro-Internet group today released

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Meat to Barking Dogs

Cruising through Memeorandum this morning, this item caught my attention: Michelle Obama’s Birthday Restaurant Has Occupy-Themed Burger Menu. The restaurant of her birthday festivities features a “99% Patty Melt”  on Wonder Bread for $9.99, and a “1% 8 oz Kobe burger” decorated with gold  leaf. Because Michelle Obama drives righties insane

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Zorg Report: Jim Flaherty Urges Lower Mortgage Rates; Insists Banking Sector Needs Freedom from Government Constraints

Jim Flaherty Urges Lower Mortgage Rates; Insists Banking Sector Needs Freedom from Government Constraints November 13, 2014 (CP) – Daniel Zorg Former Ontario and Canada finance minister Jim Flaherty today announced that Canada’s banking sector must be able to operate with complete freedom, without any government meddling.  Having left office

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Innovation without leadership

The premiers have emerged from their meeting in Victoria saying that they want to create an innovation working group, so that we can start harmonising our 13 different healthcare jurisdictions, and talking to each other about best practices and all of that. Which is great. But usually the federal government has

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Larry Hubich's Blog: Net Benefit

“Rio Tinto and Caterpillar Electro Motive are newly minted Canadian corporate citizens who have locked their workers out to freeze and starve. These corporate muggers were allowed into Canada and encouraged in their anti Canadianism by the Harper Junta. It’s going to be a cold winter and a hot summer

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