Arbitrary powers and gag orders

The Lawful Access bill is headed directly to a special legislative committee before it even gets Second Reading, which means that amendments can be pretty broad and far-reaching. As for the bill itself, CBC’s Terry Milewski uncovers even more troubling sections, which would allow anyone the minister designates to be an “inspector” to access

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Late Night With Norm

PerceptivityIs HisStockAndTradeVille Mr. Norman Farrell gets right to heart of the matter about what the Oreo Party* is up to regarding the so-called extinguishing of the HST. In the end it comes down to the shifting of the original $1.6 billion bribe onto the back of the next government of

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The Boessenkool Effect

AllTheHarpiesThatFit Ms.ChristyMakesGoodCookiesVille The GStraight’s Stephen Hui has the story. Here is his lede: It appears that Christy Clark is bent on importing Stephen Harper‘s former minions, as the resurgent B.C. Conservatives eat away at her party’s right-wing base. Recent polls have also shown the B.C. Liberals trailing the NDP by

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