Late Night With Norm


Mr. Norman Farrell gets right to heart of the matter about what the Oreo Party* is up to regarding the so-called extinguishing of the HST.
In the end it comes down to the shifting of the original $1.6 billion bribe onto the back of the next government of British Columbia.
And before that happens, in the shorter term it is all about screwing we the people even more by rewarding the very interests we voted against in the first place.
Here’s Norm:
“…(B)efore departing the Liberals aim to squeeze out as much lucre as they can their big business friends while the next government is left to fund the revenue shortfalls. I also note that Liberals have repeatedly claimed their hands were tied in matters related to scrapping HST but today they announced an increase in the B.C. HST rebate threshold, a move which is expected to save new house purchasers about $60 million in the coming year (which is a big boost to the original backers of the ‘Smart Tax Alliance’). So Liberal “hands are tied” in affecting HST transition, unless they decide their hands are not tied…”
*Faux Liberal red on the outside, Harper Blue Uber Alles on the inside.