12 days of austerity

a thread on twitter, #CPCXmasCarols inspired this song. Sing along! on the first day of austerity, Harper gave to me, a pink slip made from a tree…. On the second day of austerity, Harper gave to me, a thousand dead ducks, and a pink slip made from a tree… On

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Like a bad penny…..

I will always turn up….
I have been away a fair bit.
Couple items:
I experienced a small heart attack. No pain really, just a tightness in the chest and some arm and back pain. I was at work, and drove myself to the emerg. (not the best plan) Ya……..

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Last night a huge sigh of relief could be heard across North America and many other parts of the world, the Republican party lost pretty badly.

They not only lost badly, they really hadn’t seen it coming.
President Obama was re-elected by a good eno…

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Two days

I know many of us here in Canada are obsessively watching the US elections. We know how it affects us when the Repubs are in office. I don’t see that many differences between the Harper conservatives and the Romney republicans; they are both extreme when it comes to social issues,

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Common sense in the kitchen.

Yanno, I do agree that the whole XL debacle is a great example of how important food safety and regulation is. Totally. I get it. If we are going to allow these massive meat processing centers to operate, the main focus needs to be food safety. I cook as part

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Angry White guy

    The other night was the most hilarious thing I have seen on TV in a long while. Romney lied and smiled that horrible smile, and he face planted on the Benghazi Rose Garden statement. Romney also made many noteworthy gaffes. He thinks women want to go home to

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Dear high school tormentor:

With the news full of Amanda Todd, many of us have gone into some deep reflection of school years where we were harassed and tormented on a daily basis. We feel very deeply for that young girl, even though we didn’t know her. It has struck a chord because we

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Shame shame. SHAME!

We came across a site the other day that made the whole family in the batcave laugh, dog-shaming.com. People post pictures of their dogs with guilt riddled faces and a note explaining the "crime" that the dog has committed.         Funny stuff. The dogs don’t care too

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Death of money

Carney put his tootsies into the piranha pool the other day and the corporate fishies are now attempting to take off his leg. In this instance he is totally correct. Oh sure, the corporate piranha’s are telling us they are just being prudent and all. They are just saving for

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