Conservative english 5.0

  When the Harper conservatives tell you something, one should always look at the complete opposite for the meaning. "As you know, we have proactively reached out to Elections Canada and offered to assist them in any way we can," party spokesman Fred DeLorey said Monday night. "That includes handing

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Nope. Not a horror movie. Well, kind of. The current Governments plans for the rest of us, are the stuff that horror movies are made of. I have a long story to tell. Pull up a chair. Sit down. Make sure you close your knees. Harper has sworn, up and

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Transfats, ANGRY BAIRDS!

    Honest, a study came out about the effects of transfats and aggressive behaviour.   "If the association between trans fats and aggressive behaviour proves to be causal, this adds further rationale to recommendations to avoid eating trans fats, or including them in foods provided at institutions like schools

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Mas-debating in da’ house.

Yesterday, we were told by the "senate" that anyone who disagrees with the Harper and co agenda is "Evil"  "anti-Canadian". So that would be all environmental groups. I am thinking their unpublished list also includes any of them Wimmins groupings and such. Not all foundations, of course, were "evil," Mockler

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Viagra= Slut

Channeling the inner Stoopid from the Republicans in the US…. ARE YOU sick and tired of paying higher health care costs so these sluts can go and have as much sex as they want? CAFFERTY: Well,you know, the answer is Viagra is used to treat a medical condition, erectile dysfunction.

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Freepers, Creepers…

On twitter this morning, Steve at Far and wide makes the following observation: 44% believe robocalls changed outcome of election, 36% do not. That is surprising! #angusreid I am not completely sure what portion he is surprised about,  that 44% are seeing reality? (AMEN)  Or that 36% are convinced that

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Electile disfunction.

  As usual, feel free.  What is getting lost in all of this, is the fact that this scandal is even happening. Yes some races were tight. 31,000+ complaints? That is a massive number in this country. But some keep trying to shift the focus. They are looking at what

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How to prove you are a Conservative?

SUE the bastards! Too funny. RackNine Inc. and its chief executive officer Matt Meier have followed through on an earlier threat and served NDP MP Pat Martin and his party with a $5-million lawsuit Friday. The Edmonton-based call centre company that is part of the ongoing election calls controversy is

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Voter Suppression.

That is technically the accurate terminology. Voter suppression is a strategy to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing people from exercising their right to vote. It is distinguished from political campaigning in that campaigning attempts to change likely voting behavior by changing the opinions of potential

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Say it with me; A$$hole. Of the day.

Oh bloody hell, how does one even get this friggin clueless? “People who don’t have money don’t understand the stress,” said Alan Dlugash, a partner at accounting firm Marks Paneth & Shron LLP in New York who specializes in financial planning for the wealthy. “Could you imagine what it’s like

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Just wanted to say….

That it costs JUST pennies to make a call and spoof the caller ID. You wanna make a call and pretend that that call is coming from somewhere else? Totally doable! And most likely, done. You could purchase a card, and call…..NDP voters and pretend that you are calling from

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Elder Abuse

Have you all seen the commercials on Tee Vee lately? Courtesy of the Canadian Government, and paid for by all of us. It is a very real problem which needs addressing. But as always, it strikes a massive disconnect with what is going on with the Harper Government. In real

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Vic Toews: Standing up with fascists.

Ok Vic. You want to play this game? Critics of a bill that would give law enforcement new powers to access Canadians’ electronic communications are aligning themselves with child pornographers, Canada’s public safety minister says. "He can either stand with us or with the child pornographers," Vic Toews said of

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