Holy war on Women.

Anyone paying attention to the Brouhaha down south right now, that has to do with contraception and the decision from the Whitehouse that all women should have access to birth control? I must admit, I really do not get the whole hoopla from the Catholics. The church has dropped a

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Timing eh? Today, the Film Pink Ribbons, Inc. opened in theatres. An exploration of the Pinkwashing by the Susan G Komen race for the cure. And how perfectly useless and offensive SGK and all their corporate partners are. The National Film Board of Canada. ROCKS. Here is the trailer.  Wait

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Is this a fucking JOKE? Rant Mode. ON.

Fucking Jason Kenney is such a fucking gawd-damned hack. Part of a larger Fucking Gawd damned borg of the stoopid. And that also includes fucking Sun News. Documents released to The Canadian Press under access-to-information legislation show that just a few weeks before Canada’s Citizenship Week last October, Mr. Kenney’s

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They Live.

We watched the 1988 schlock film again the other night, They Live. Most definitely a satire, based on the commercialism and greed of the 80’s which was showcased just the previous year in 1987’s Wall Street, it stands up very well even today in the age of #OccupyWallStreet. Consume, sleep.

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They are extremely obsessive, and mostly uneducated about their choice of saviour. Today at work, Mr I read the Drudge report, and know very little about much of anything as a result was in teh store today. Birther, global warming denier and a Paulbot. How fitting hey? He thinks Ron

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Newt Gingrich’s (currently a frontrunner for the GOP on the faith and values magical mystery tour) ex wife has done an interview with ABC news. This is ex wife the second. The first one he ditched when she had cancer. The second one was just freshly diagnosed with Scoliosis when

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Darkness falls.

  If you want a canuck badge, feel free. <a href="http://americancensorship.org/"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p222/Thereal_pale/SOPA.gif”width=400"width=225 /></a> This SOPA thing that has been mostly ignored by the corporate media (some of us would say on purpose, because it seems that many of the big US corporations that run the show are in support of

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Not exactly as advertised.

From one day of stoopid, and on to the next hey? A few years back, the Supreme court made a ruling….Many same sex couples flocked to Canada, to say their vows and spent thousands of dollars to do so. But as always, the Harpercons cannot let something they hate go.

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Contempt of country. Rant mode. ON.

Yanno. I know we have been down this garden path before. The Harpercons do something really stupid. (Daily occurrence) Then when people react  (the employers of the Government, to be technically accurate)….They start calling us names, names designed to DE-legitimize our rights and concerns. Left wing fringe…..Remember that little quip

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And a Hippo Gnu Deer…..

So it was here finally. The best part for me, is that I get almost an entire week off. Woo. Hope everyone has a safe and warm holiday and eats entirely too much. It makes me feel better if it’s not just me that has jeans that don’t fit for

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A Holiday po-em

T’was near the end of the year, and all through the land, conservatives were sleeping, their guns clutched in their hands….. The Senate was adjourned, for a long holiday rest, their rubber stamps lined up, on each little desk. read more

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Merry Lulzxmas…..

I saw this video, an Xmas greeting of sorts from anonymous. It has been cracking me up. Obligatory warning: Not safe for kids who still ascribe their gifts to the guy in the red suit. Probably will not be safe for Conservatives who will not get it at all and

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You reap what you sow.

And let us face it. The political establishment and the media, and many of the so called "christian" big box organizations have been portraying those who have fallen from "grace" as lazy, dirty and worthless. It makes it possible for them to keep on making the cruelest cuts on the

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Banana Republic

It just gets more and more ludicrous on a daily fucking basis here in Harperland. Now the Harpercons want Canadians to boycott bananas from Chiquita, because that company has said they don’t like dirty oil, and would prefer to source their fuel from other sources…. The Harpercons partners in environmental

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Scheer partisanship

Skullduggery and complete bullshit. And the new speaker, a conservative from Sask says it’s reprehensible, but ok. It didn’t affect Irwin Cotler’s ability to do his job. Scheer said. I say again, what a load of bullshit. So the Cons will keep on doing what they have been doing, pushing

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