
They are extremely obsessive, and mostly uneducated about their choice of saviour.

Today at work, Mr I read the Drudge report, and know very little about much of anything as a result was in teh store today.

Birther, global warming denier and a Paulbot. How fitting hey?

He thinks Ron Paul is going to save the US.
I mentioned that not so much for women. (Not so much in anyting, but I was actually trying to avoid much of this convo)

He got all pissy and said I NEEDED TO READ MORE!

He thinks that STATES SHOULD DECIDE! (not acknowledging the fact that a lot of states are debating draconian anti choice legislation to force women to become incubators because the fat white male fucks sitting in State legislatures are as anti choice as he is….)

After I said I disagree ( I wasn’t about to smile and nod, but I also wasn’t going to get into a debate at work), he stormed out, and opened the door a few seconds later and yelled something about _____ LIBERALS!

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