Corporate welfare queens SUN News ask for more handouts. So they admit Free market is a fake.

Yup. The same free market prophets that consistently bitch and whine about FREEDUM and preach hateful things about all the not white people. SUN TV.

They have applied for mandatory carriage with the CRTC.
Its because they say they are losing MILLIONS a year because no one wants to pay extra for their particular brand of pig slop.

Geeze. Why don’t they advertise then? Like other multimillion dollar corporations have to do?
Because they are them. And we are us. 

I pay enough already for cable.

Plenty enough, and yanno? I don’t want to pay extra so that Ezra keep standing on his bully pulpit spewing racist, oil funded-climate change denial bullshit. I don’t want to pay so that Brian Lilley can keep preaching his own brand of stoopid.

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