BigCityLib Strikes Back: Over To You, Christy Clark

 “Under the Enbridge proposal, British Columbia would assume almost all the [Northern Gateway] project’s risk, yet would see only a fraction of the benefits,” said Dix in a release. “By any measure, such a high-risk, low-return approach simply isn’t in B.C.’s interests.” It looks, incidentally, as though the federal government’s

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Leftist Jab: Do NOT Toy With Marc Garneau!

Marc Garneau reads aloud his outrage as Dion and Bennett muster theirbest attempt at displaying interest for the parliamentary camera.Liberal MP David McGuinty just wants to go home already. Every now and again, the House of Commons deals with an issue that transcends party lines. Every MP puts partisan politics

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CathiefromCanada: Shorter

Shorter Andrew Coyne: I’m shocked SHOCKED that the Liberals and NDP are not sufficiently outraged at what the Harper Conservatives are doing now. So what are they doing now? Well, here’s Bill 38: The bill runs to more than 420 pages. It amends some 60 different acts, repeals half a

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