Northern Reflections: Taking Parliament Hostage

Globe and Mail columnist John Ibbitson writes that Stephen Harper has been “unbound.” What that really means is that he has neutered Parliament. If you don’t believe that’s true, writes Andrew Coyne, take a look at Bill C-38, the government’s “omnibus” budget bill: When the Harper government packages legislation these

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OK, so I haven’t been here a whole heck of a lot lately, but there also hasn’t been a heck of a lot to boil my blood, either – at least nothing that I can say publicly. But… Monday night’s decision to not change the animal control rules and allow

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ROAR!: #M312 – How will your MP Vote?

What a rollercoaster ride! it has been since little old PEI screamed out into the universe that women here were no longer going to be ignored and silenced. Okay, well, women have screamed before, but this is the first time I’ve been invovled. Specifically of course I’m talking about access to abortion services,

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Impolitical: Languages shmanguages

Today in Harper government infractions: “Ottawa blâmé par le commissaire aux langues officielles.” Le gouvernement Harper n’a pas respecté la Loi sur les langues officielles en nommant l’anglophone unilingue Michael Ferguson au poste névralgique de vérificateur général, révèle un rapport du commissaire aux langues officielles obtenu en exclusivité par La

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wmtc: occupy may day

Today is May Day, the International Workers’ Day, a day to celebrate our strength and our unity as working people. Although May Day is an official holiday in many countries around the world, many working-class Americans are unaware of it. 2012 might change that. There has been talk of a

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