Canada: third best country to be a woman

I’m not sure why but this one caught me by surprise. I guess it shouldn’t since every boss I’ve had in Canada has been female. The part about the paucity of women in government, however, is no surprise.

Canada is the third-best country in the world to be a woman, according to rankings compiled by U.S. website Newsweek/The Daily Beast.Canada trails only Iceland at No. 1 and second-place Sweden, and is also the only non-European country in the top seven. 

The United States is eighth. 

The makers of these rankings gave Canada an overall score of 96.6 out of a possible 100. 

In the major categories judged, the country earned a full 100 points on justice, 92.7 on health, 92 on education, 91 on economics and 66.9 on politics. 

Newsweek said that Canada’s “female representation in government lags behind.”