“God bless Canada”? God has nothing to do with it, Mr. Harper. Also, caption this photo.

Why not just get it over with and just imitate American presidents to maximum effect. How about an edict that Canadians must now hold our hands over our hearts during the “Star-Spangled Banner” “O Canada”?

Keep god out of our politics and government, sir. I know that shouldering a whopping Napoleon Complex is hard work but keep the ‘royal’ and ‘god’ shit for your private life. We’re not Brits and we’re not Americans, despite your slavishly ‘grass is greener’ ways. This is Canada, goddammit. Keep your creepy god-fearing, USA-coveting hands off of it.

Also, this:

Secret U.S. government cables show a stunning willingness by senior Canadian officials to appease American demands for a U.S.-style copyright law here.

Cross posted at Let Freedom Rain.