The Great F-35 Swindle…Perspective Is Everything.
Deficit YouKeepOnUsingThatWordVille And, as Charlie Smith makes clear, even if the the $25 billion is not a low ball (which I am convinced, based on AG Ferguson’s own words, that…
Deficit YouKeepOnUsingThatWordVille And, as Charlie Smith makes clear, even if the the $25 billion is not a low ball (which I am convinced, based on AG Ferguson’s own words, that…
AllTheState(r)giesThatFit BraintrustVille I think I get it now. The fine folks behind the curtain don’t want the things the (not)Premier says in front of assembled pseudo-throngs of party still kinda/sorta…
YouWillNotReadThisInTheProMedia SaveYourScheckelsVille Dave from the Galloping Beaver has it going…. Chapter 1 explains how the thing got rolling: …The problem (in 2006) was the projected lifespan of the Harper government.…
OurReadersComment AndSometimesIMissThemVille In our breakdown of the David Loukidelis statement (that Geoff Plant pointed us towards) about how the deal went down (Mr. Loukidelis says plea and the legal fee…
Nevermind that socialist piker the Easter Bunny. I mean, what are a few chocolates for all once a year anyway? Especially now that the Lotuslandian Engineers (Road Division) have put…
There’sNoUkeLike CoverUkeVille First, ‘The Original’, by a real original…. And now, ‘The Cover’, which was found so serendipitously that I can’t even begin to explain it, except to say that…
AWordsmith’sRight ToWriteVille ….The Reverend Paperboy. Particularly if you are wondering what the really big deal is about succumbing to the faux ‘reasonableness’ of the wedge issue that is being falsely-foisted…
HeWillNotSay WhoKnewWhatWhenVille According to Auditor General Micheal Ferguson it is. He said so specifically and explicitly to the non-anime version of Evan Solomon this morning. You can listen to it…
JournalismWithoutColours StrippingAwayTheBananaPeelVille ….Is Going On At Postmedia News? First it was the decision to give McGregor and Maher the time and space to go after an old story, hard. Which…
BeVeryVeryVery CarefulWhatYouWishForVille Is Ms. Clark incompetent? In my opinion, yes. Will Ms. Clark lose the next general election? In my opinion, yes. Must, as Rafe Mair just implored, Ms. Clark…
AndTheSeasonsThey JustGoVille There is an Easter dinner from when I was a kid, a very small part of which I can remember like it was yesterday. Looking out the big…
…Here Come The Flip-Flops. Because they start popping up everywhere as you get closer to campus these days. Especially prominent on Frat Row as the pledges get ready to really…
HeDippedTheLightFandango ALongLongTimeAgoVille Joan Bryden, of the Canadian Press, zooms in on the present day Bob Rae: The (recently-released) Harris-Decima survey conducted for The Canadian Press indicates the New Democrats surged…
What,SheWorry? AlfredE.PremierVille “I will only preach about that which I cannot do anything about*.” Shorter C.Clark Re: FauxTranslinkExecBonusOutrage Ian Bailey, in The Globe, has the story: B.C. Premier Christy Clark…
BigWheel’sSeasons GoRoundAndRoundVille “Don’t Look Back, Something Might Be Gaining On You…” …Satchel Page. +38, 307 .
AllTheClarificationsThatFit BlindfoldedDucksInParallelRowsVille Last week we disagreed with former BC Liberal Government Attorney General Geoff Plant who insisted that, despite the fact that there was an ‘understanding’ (Mr. Plant’s term, not…
BigWheelsKeepOnTurnin’ SodOnPublicLandsVille Had to stop to take a picture of good ol’ Riley Pa(rk) (I)ce Rink, and its sad sign, this morning. The pool and nearby buildings are slated to…
…A Vote For The Christy Party Is A Vote For The NDP! Heckfire. Rod Mickleburgh, in The Globe even managed to sneak this nugget, soft, gooey and staight out of…
TheBlogsTheyMustBeCrazy Long(time)WavingVille Yesterday, tongue-stuck firmly in cheek, I wrote a post-script (to this offering) that some may have construed as a quasi-suggestion that two of my favourite commentators on all…
AllTheDeservingWhoFit ManganatorVille Because Juno Has Not Heard This One Before… From noted music critic Charlie Smith in the GStraight: Vancouver heartthrob Dan Mangan has officially become a member of Canada’s…