A White-Haired Shade Of Pale



Joan Bryden, of the Canadian Press, zooms in on the present day Bob Rae:

The (recently-released) Harris-Decima survey conducted for The Canadian Press indicates the New Democrats surged into a statistical tie with the Conservatives, with the parties at 32 and 34 per cent support respectively.

The NDP boost came almost entirely at the expense of the Liberals, who slipped back to 19 per cent – the same all-time low they received in last May’s election when the self-styled natural governing party was reduced to a third-party rump.

Mr. Rae, the Interim Liberal Leader, kicked off a round personal barbs Wednesday, equating Mr. Mulcair’s combative, ultra-partisan style to that of Prime Minister Stephen Harper. He dubbed the Opposition Leader “mini-Harper.”…

Don’t like what Mulcair has to say?
Take umbrage with that.
But to compare him with Mr. Harper because he is beating you and yours like a gong Mr. Rae?
That really is beyond the pale.

By RossK

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