July 2011

Enforced relaxation

It's amazing how long I can spend sitting on a dock staring out at a lake. I suspect Irene will find this a bit disconcerting, but I could almost get…

Dear Mr. Obama

I read this with sad recognition:In other words: it makes no difference to us how much we stomp on liberals' beliefs or how much they squawk, because we'll just wave…

Attention Bob Rae

Bob Rae, the apostle of centrism, should read Krugman's latest. In particular, he should cut the following out and paste it on his desk for future reference: Which brings me…

Conservatism: not a politics

…but a diagnosis. Here is conservative stalwart Debbie Schlussel, channeling Michael Coren: the victims of neo-Nazi ally Anders Breivik, she avers, were “hateful, privileged brats.” And despite her earlier attempted…

Cover your ears

Sounds like the US Congress is working on a debt ceiling bill that might actually pass their disfunctional political system.Cue the right-wing hysteria and the left-wing flip-out in three, two,…

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