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We've moved to for free, sign-up for email delivery, or subscribe and get special content on politics and history in Newfoundland and Labrador.Bond Papers by Ed Hollett.Sign-up below.
We’ve moved to Read for free, sign-up for email delivery, or subscribe and get special content on politics and history in Newfoundland and Labrador. Bond Papers by Ed Hollett.
We’ve moved. Starting Monday, you’ll find SRBP at It’s January, the start of a new year. And it’s also the 16th anniversary of The Sir Robert Bond Papers. There’s…
We’ve moved. Starting Monday, you’ll find SRBP at It’s January, the start of a new year. And it’s also the 16th anniversary of The Sir Robert Bond Papers. There’s…
This is the 15th year of Bond Papers.This Sunday marks the 16th anniversary and there's a big announcement coming.Check back.In the meantime, enjoy the top 15 posts from this past…
This is the 15th year of Bond Papers. This Sunday marks the 16th anniversary and there’s a big announcement coming. Check back. In the meantime, enjoy the top 15 posts…
There is no shortage of gaps in politics in Newfoundland and Labrador. Regular readers will be familiar with the Credibility Gap. That’s the space between what a politician says and…
There is no shortage of gaps in politics in Newfoundland and Labrador. Regular readers will be familiar with the Credibility Gap. That’s the space between what a politicians says and…
Communication remains the single biggest chronic failure of the province’s COVID-19 response. As regular readers of these e-scribbles know, that means it is really a management problem. Government officials have…
Communication remains the single biggest chronic failure of the province’s COVID-19 response. As regular readers of these e-scribbles know, that means it is really a management problem. Government officials have…
December 17 is an auspicious day in Muskrat Falls history. That was the date in 2012 when Kathy Dunderdale stood in front of a group of cheering supporters of the…
December 17 is an auspicious day in Muskrat Falls history. That was the date in 2012 when Kathy Dunderdale stood in front of a group of cheering supporters of the…
Danny Williams made the news last week. Williams was locked in a battle with St. John’s city hall over whether or not Williams could put a big Christmas tree in…
Danny Williams made the news last week. Williams was locked in a battle with St. John’s city hall over whether or not Williams could put a big Christmas tree in…
Accepting that life is all about risk is the first cognitive step.Mark Kingwell, On Risk (2020)The reporter just wanted to confirm how many active cases there were in the province.…
Accepting that life is all about risk is the first cognitive step. Mark Kingwell, On Risk (2020) The reporter just wanted to confirm how many active cases there were in…
The federal government offered the provincial government its share of about $19 billion in COVID aid delivered to provinces in July.There was another chunk earmarked for municipal transit systems.Buses.CBC reported…
The federal government offered the provincial governments its share of about $19 billion in COVID aid delivered to provinces in July. There was another chunk earmarked for municipal transit systems.…
In Newfoundland and Labrador, politicians and public health bureaucrats are dealing more with a pandemic of fear than of disease. It is one they helped create. It is one they…
In Newfoundland and Labrador, politicians and public health bureaucrats are dealing more with a pandemic of fear than of disease. It is one they helped create. It is one they…