Conservatism: not a politics


…but a diagnosis.

Here is conservative stalwart Debbie Schlussel, channeling Michael Coren: the victims of neo-Nazi ally Anders Breivik, she avers, were “hateful, privileged brats.” And despite her earlier attempted disclaimers, they got what was coming to them as far as she’s concerned: “What goes around comes around.”

Now, it’s not like they were White, or anything, as neo-Nazi consort Pam Geller takes pains to reassure us:

Note the faces which are more Middle Eastern or mixed than pure Norwegian.

Note instead that the right-wing scrambling for justification after the mass-murder by one of their own in Norway has now succeeded in blurring the distinction between fascism and conservatism to the point of no return.

[H/t AZ and OB]

By Dr.Dawg

Progressive Bloggers // Blogues progressistes