Wankers of the Week: Royal Drags

Crappy weekend, everybody! How was your Canada Day? Mine was fine…marred only by the appearance of our local SupposiTory MP in the parade. And look! Will and Kate are out and about, and so are anti-monarchy protesters. But if you thought the British royals were a relic best disposed of quickly and humanely, how about […]

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Wankers of the Week: Staying Inhuman

Crappy first weekend of summer, everyone! How’s the weather where you are? Where I’m at, it’s predictably unpredictable with occasional bursts of shitty. But all is not lost. I hear there’s another Freedom Flotilla that’ll set sail for Gaza very soon, under the slogan of the late Vittorio Arrigoni: Stay Human. But then, those are […]

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Wankers of the Week: Bilderbuggery

Crappy weekend, everyone! And welcome to Drunken Bull Sessions and Hung-Over Kaffeeklatsches of the Rich and Infamous in beautiful St. Moritz, Switzerland. Well, how about them Bilderbergers, everyone? Aren’t they just the loveliest bunch of fucking elitists you ever saw looking for sneaky ways to undermine democracy and the popular will, and to keep the […]

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