Vote Only Once And Never Have To Vote Again! Get Future Gov’t Policies For The Unforeseen Future, No Matter Who’s Governing!

Susan Delacourt points this out  in her blog this morning.  Some examples are cited. One of which, the most obvious and recent, was in this legislation to scrap the long gun registry,  those Harpercons have decided to scrap all the data that came with it, yanno, to make sure that not only put . . . → Read More: Vote Only Once And Never Have To Vote Again! Get Future Gov’t Policies For The Unforeseen Future, No Matter Who’s Governing!

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Jane Taber and Candy Hoeppner Are Now Into Fiction: Part 2–Inconsistencies Between Scrapping C-391 And Tough On Crime Agenda

Part 2 doesn’t really have anything to do with Janie Taber’s little apparent attempt at fiction regarding Candy getcherguns Hoeppner’s little ego trip, but it did raise questions in mind like how does stripping away at gun control square with a tough on crime agenda? How does the meme of not wanting to . . . → Read More: Jane Taber and Candy Hoeppner Are Now Into Fiction: Part 2–Inconsistencies Between Scrapping C-391 And Tough On Crime Agenda

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OH Harperland! The Beginnings of The Police State, Where Women Are Second Class Citizens

Yes, that horrid omnibus bill that it is to come out in about a hundre days ; that lawn order ‘n’ morality themed omnibus bill. Now, no one is exactly sure what it may entail except for the fact that it will likely include the scrapping of the gun registry and of course, . . . → Read More: OH Harperland! The Beginnings of The Police State, Where Women Are Second Class Citizens

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Apparently, there is great fear among politicians that Karla Homolka is going to be pardoned (–mps-look-for-ways-to-derail-homolka-pardon-bid). I’m not an expert on pardons, but I didn’t think they were…

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A. Picazo: Playing With Guns

“An Albatross and an embarrassment.” On Saturday, that’s how Conservative MP Candice Hoeppner labelled the gun registry during her address at the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters Annual General Meeting. Bill C-391, Hoeppners private member’s bill to abolish the long gun registry, was spared the axe of prorogation and

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