Mark Holland asks Vic Toews some tough questions about the G20

I’m sure Mr. Toews will be prompt with his answers…

A Side Note: Today is Tuesday, less than 48 hours since the summit ended in Toronto. There has been a great deal of criticism levelled at the LPC on social media that the Party did not issue a statement sooner than this. I’m confused as to why. As many reporters found out, the situation in Toronto changes rather rapidly day to day, hour to hour. Reporters that praised the restraint of police on Saturday were being arrested by these same police on Sunday.

Have we really become so impatient as a society that we won’t allow people 48 hours to examine all sides of an issue before taking a stance on it? Do we really want our politicians making snap judgements based on incomplete information in the heat of a crisis?

I applaud Mr Holland’s letter, and I applaud that he took the time to ensure that he asked the right questions.