Blevkog: To Grunfeld

I’m proposing a new word for the internet lexicon: To Grunfeld: To carefully omit a portion of a person’s statement so that your version of the statement is the polar opposite of what the person stated, with the intent of causing them great…

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Critical Brain Candy: High-frequency trading

Ran across this good explanation of the “high-frequency trading” term thrown around a lot: Algorithmic Trading is Not High Frequency Trading.  The impact on the markets of HFT is very different compared to having computers aid in the execution of a human decision. Even when a human enters a simple order on a stock brokerage […]

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GOP debate: the ugly face of conservatism. Also, never fly on 9/11 if your skin is brown.

The horror continues. Here are two items that bring the American psyche post-9/11 into instant, ugly focus.

At the GOP debate tonight, the crowd loudly cheered a suggestion that society should let an uninsured man die. Alan Grayson: “It’s sadism”.

GOP debate crowd cheers letting uninsured die

The crowd also responded heartily to accusations that Ben Bernanke . . . → Read More: GOP debate: the ugly face of conservatism. Also, never fly on 9/11 if your skin is brown.

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gritchik: The media on Tim Hudak and abortion

“Hudak waffles on abortion issue” (Toronto Star, July 19, 2011) “When pressed by reporters Monday, Mr.Hudak refused to answer whether he still considers himself “pro-life.” (National Post, July 19, 2011) “Hudak opted not to answer when he was asked point blank if he was pro-life.” (The Sarnia Observer, July 19, 2011) “Hudak ducks questions on […]

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Professor: Harper most powerful executive in the world; there is nothing to restrain him

Astute observations about Harper and how he has complete domination over our laws and government.

Ralph Heintzman, a professor at the University of Ottawa and head of the federal Office of Public Service Values and Ethics, says Canada might just have the most centralized political system in the world.

“The . . . → Read More: Professor: Harper most powerful executive in the world; there is nothing to restrain him

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