Happy Holidays …

… and all that jazz.

Enjoy yourselves with family and friends. Party hard, but responsibly, eh?

In the meantime, a little food for thought, to which I say "hear, hear!":

The happy heathens
By Chris Selley

When the 2001 census-takers descended upon London, Ont., they found 83,680 people who described their religious beliefs as agnostic, atheist, humanist, non-existent or some “other resp…

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DTK: Catholics Oppose Gay Marriage

Big news there, I suppose. They have a website though, now. Their points, in order. Natural marriage is the foundation of a civilised society. My tendency here is to simply add the suffix [citation needed] to the text. The foundation of our society, last I checked, was freedom. Freedom of

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DTK: Catholics Oppose Gay Marriage

Big news there, I suppose. They have a website though, now. Their points, in order. Natural marriage is the foundation of a civilised society. My tendency here is to simply add the suffix [citation needed] to the text. The foundation of our society, last I checked, was freedom. Freedom of

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DTK: Idiocy? Banning Religion.

It’s just the stupidest thing you could possibly do. You can’t get rid of a religion or a culture by banning it. You’d think that people in Quebec would realize that all that does is drive it underground, romanticize it and make it stronger.But the Q…

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DTK: Idiocy? Banning Religion.

It’s just the stupidest thing you could possibly do. You can’t get rid of a religion or a culture by banning it. You’d think that people in Quebec would realize that all that does is drive it underground, romanticize it and make it stronger. But the Quebec government is going

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DTK: Idiocy? Banning Religion.

It’s just the stupidest thing you could possibly do. You can’t get rid of a religion or a culture by banning it. You’d think that people in Quebec would realize that all that does is drive it underground, romanticize it and make it stronger. But the Quebec government is going

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