Dead Wild Roses: The DWR Sunday Disservice – How Religion Poisions Everything – Hitchens

Religion is one of the factors that constantly works against civilization and the values of the Enlightenment.  Belief in magic and the supernatural, a wish to return to the Dark Ages is remarkable exercise in puerile wish-fulfillment.  Strong argumentation, relentless morality and ridicule are the only answers to the plague of religion.  The purulent immorality […]

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Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff: Gender As Afterthought

It’s not so strange to want children to be safe from bullying. It’s also not strange to want children to grow up whoever they want to be. One thing many people take for granted is that a person’s gender matches their sex organs. Obviously for millions of people around the world (homosexuals, transgendered, two spirited), […]

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Death By Trolley: The world ended yesterday

Or not. Nothing happened. What a shock. No quakes, no Rapture, no nothing. The closest we came were some day-early Victoria Day fireworks in Canada and some American atheist jokesters laying full clothing outfits out on the street and sending off helium-filled inflatable plastic bodies into the sky. On this site, a non-scientific poll was […]

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Death By Trolley: In Defense of Abortion

In this month’s Canadian federal election, abortion was not an issue. However, whenever election time roles around in North America, the issue of abortion tends to garner at least a little bit more conversation than normal, even if it is not a specific policy issue. Social conservatives will want to elect politicians who may one […]

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DTK: Catholic Child Abusers

No, I’m not not talking about the priests who are forcibly sodomizing little boys. That deserves attention, undoubtedly, but I’m talking about mental abuse. This kind of bullshit. It wasn’t until her seven-year-old son asked her if he’d burn in hell that Marjorie Kirsop became concerned.But this fall, when five-year-old

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DTK: Catholic Child Abusers

No, I’m not not talking about the priests who are forcibly sodomizing little boys. That deserves attention, undoubtedly, but I’m talking about mental abuse. This kind of bullshit. It wasn’t until her seven-year-old son asked her if he’d burn in hell that Marjorie Kirsop became concerned.But this fall, when five-year-old

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DTK: Catholic Child Abusers

No, I’m not not talking about the priests who are forcibly sodomizing little boys. That deserves attention, undoubtedly, but I’m talking about mental abuse. This kind of bullshit.

It wasn’t until her seven-year-old son asked her if he’d burn in hell that Marjorie Kirsop became concerned.
But this fall, when five-year-old Sarah Kirsop declared she had converted to Catholicism …

Let’s pretend for a moment that I, as a public school Grade 2 teacher, actually did what us “militant” atheists are accused of doing every day – and tried to force everyone to our non-religion.

Imagine, Mrs. Baptist’s children came home and said:
“Mommy, Mr. DTK told us in school today that Jesus is a fairy tale. Did you know that? He even showed us parts of the bible that are wrong!”

I’d be fired in a day, union or no union.

So how come the only school board in the town of Morinville, Alberta – a school board which is officially a public school board – is allowed to teach hellfire and brimstone to the children of non-believers?

Riddle me that.

Bunch of jerks.

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