Cut the Crap Christy!

Our unelected Premier of BC, Christy Clark, can’t figure out why the Occupy Movement insists on persisting in their efforts.  From ctvbc yesterday, Government lawyers have already filed an injunction against Occupy Vancouver protesters, who moved Monday from city property onto provincial land – and Premier Christy Clark says demonstrators

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A Little Juxtaposition

On one hand we have the Conservatives fifty million dollar G8 slush fund complete with two senior government ministers saying yeah so what if we broke the rules ,you can’t touch us. Yet despite the malodorous stench of accounting irregularities and possible criminality both the Auditor General and the RCMP

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Occupy Vancouver on the move

With the likely scenario of violence in Toronto as Bill Blair’s baddies descend on the occupiers who refuse to move, Occupy Vancouver has taken a different stand. Instead of confronting authorities, Occupy Vancouver will continue with its unique approach to non-violent resistance by simply moving the camp. The location has

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