Accidental Deliberations: Monday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material to start your week. – Eric Cadesky writes about the psychology behind adherence to – and deviation from – the social distancing rules needed to keep us all safe. – Nora Loreto discusses how COVID-19 has exposed the lethal problems with Canada’s long-term care system. Karl Belanger points

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Alberta Politics: Coronavirus has U.S. physicians eyeing politics — will COVID-19 and the UCP’s War on Doctors spur the same thing here?

The New York Times reported yesterday how the coronavirus crisis is prodding a wave of mostly progressive American physicians to enter politics. Many are women and most have connected the dots between the United States’ appalling Third World health care system and the disastrous rate of COVID-19 infection and death

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Accidental Deliberations: New column day

Here, discussing how Justin Trudeau is campaign entirely according to the formula so thoroughly documented by Martin Lukacs – and why voters seeking change need to reject politicians committed to the preservation of power and privilege. For further reading…– Others have also discussed Lukacs’ The Trudeau Formula, including Nora Loreto

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Accidental Deliberations: Tuesday Morning Links

This and that for your Tuesday reading. – Alastair Campbell discusses how the latest group of right-wing demagogues has progressed from being post-truth to being post-shame. – IMFBlog examines how the perpetual slashing of corporate tax rates has eliminated needed public revenue – particularly in lower-income countries – without producing

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