Alberta Politics: Now that we know about those skybox tickets for UCP insiders, did anyone provide free corporate flights to out-of-province NHL playoff games? 

There’s another shoe that needs to drop before the United Conservative Party’s embarrassing Skybox Scandal goes quiet and Alberta can go back to sleep as Premier Daniel Smith and her political advisors doubtless profoundly wish we would.  Ms. Smith and Deputy Premier Mike Ellis at the same event, looking none

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Alberta Politics: Tyler Shandro, controversial former UCP health minister, found not guilty of unprofessional behaviour by Law Society panel

Albertans are within their rights to wonder if it’s OK for any Alberta lawyer to throw a tantrum in their neighbour’s driveway in light of the ruling by the Alberta Law Society yesterday that former United Conservative Party health minister Tyler Shandro was not behaving unprofessionally when he melted down

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Alberta Politics: What did Danielle Smith say after the shooting at Edmonton City Hall? Nothing! She was too busy chatting with Tucker Carlson!

That startling sound you heard yesterday was probably just a co-worker spitting their coffee over their smartphone after Alberta Premier Danielle Smith clutched her pearls and advised progressive politicians to take it easy on their MAGA Canada counterparts lest someone get hurt. A screenshot of security camera footage of the

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Alberta Politics: That bid to create a separate Sheriffs Branch officers’ union can’t succeed without help from the UCP Government – so what’s up? 

Despite media coverage Thursday about a group of Alberta Sheriffs Branch officers who say they’d like to break away from the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees and form their own union, that could not happen without support from the United Conservative Party Government. Sheriff Branch Officers Association President Dornubari Tornwe

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Alberta Politics: ‘Tubby’ Black, palaverous peer who forfeited Canadian citizenship for plush seat in House of Lords, booted by that chamber

Conrad “Tubby” Black, the palaverous peer who forfeited his Canadian citizenship for a plush seat in the House of Lords at the Palace of Westminster, has been booted by that august chamber, poor thing.  Baron McFall of Alcluith, Speaker of the House of Lords (Photo: Roger Harris, U.K. Parliament, Creative

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Alberta Politics: Justice minister reverses course, says funding will be extended while negotiations with Legal Aid Alberta continue

Alberta United Conservative Party Government late yesterday reversed course on its decision to terminate its agreement with Legal Aid Alberta, promising in a statement from Justice Minister Mickey Amery to extend the current funding arrangement while negotiations for a new deal continue. NDP Justice Critic Irfan Sabir (Photo: David J.

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Alberta Politics: Happy Canada Day! Collective bargaining worked, the WestJet strike is over, and the UCP will need a new reason to complain about Ottawa

Happy Canada Day!  Federal Labour Minister Seamus O’Regan (Photo: Facebook/Dave Chan, Music Publishers of Canada). And what happy Canada Day news that the mechanics’ strike at WestJet is over already!  That didn’t take long at all to resolve, did it?  The strike, while supposedly unexpected, almost certainly would have taken

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Alberta Politics: How does Alberta ‘opt out’ of a national dental program it’s not in, doesn’t fund, doesn’t administer, and doesn’t control in any way? 

According to the much-publicized letter sent by Alberta Premier Danielle Smith to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Tuesday, Alberta plans to opt out of Ottawa’s new Canadian Dental Care Plan by 2026 because the plan replicates programs the province already has in place.  Alberta Premier Danielle Smith (Photo: Alberta Newsroom/Flickr).

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Alberta Politics: In sure-footed move, NDP Leader Naheed Nenshi names Christina Gray as leader of the Opposition and Rakhi Pancholi as deputy NDP leader

In a sure-footed move, Alberta NDP Leader Naheed Nenshi today named Christina Gray as Leader of the Opposition until he wins a seat in the Legislature.  Mr. Nenshi and his predecessor as NDP leader, Rachel Notley, in their Oilers jerseys (Photo: Twitter/Naheed Nenshi). Ms. Grey, who has represented the Edmonton-Mill

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Alberta Politics: Are you alright, Alberta? The rest of Canada wants to know! If you’re not, they’ll be happy to take your doctors!

When at least five United Conservative Party MLAs turned up for an “Injection of Truth” vaccine misinformation town hall last Monday sponsored by their party’s Calgary-Lougheed Constituency Association it sparked an immediate uproar on social media.  Calgary-Lougheed UCP MLA and town hall organizer Eric Bouchard (Photo: United Conservative Party). Seemingly

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Tantrum over Bill C-59 displays two key flaws of the UCP – no clue how to govern, or how to negotiate

Yesterday’s official tantrum over the rather weak and limited truth-in-environmental-advertising provision of Ottawa’s Bill C-59 by the triumvirate of Danielle Smith, Brian Jean, and Rebecca Schulz illustrates two troubling truths about the current version of the United Conservative Party. Alberta Energy Minister Brian Jean doing his recent Yosemite Sam thing

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