The Progressive Economics Forum: Time to Nationalize The Globe and Mail?

In response to a pretty moderate Ontario NDP platform, today’s lead Globe and Mail editorial goes off the rails on a crazy train: “disastrous,” “protectionism run amok,” “a fantasy,” “a radical platform that would move Ontario toward a command economy” and “dangerous provincialism.” It breathlessly reports that “Ms. Horwath did not rule out nationalization of […]

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PETA Sucks

A friend took this photo of a PETA advertisement he saw recently:

PETA thinks the only way to get people to care about the exploitation of animals is through the exploitation of women. Animals aren’t objects for our consumption and pleasure &#82…

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Terahertz: Kai Nagata: Media Crusader

After that last article, I want to point out something positive* on the internet. You remember Kai Nagata right? He wrote what may have been the best resignation letter ever. It was essentially a manifesto for change in the Canadian media climate. Well, lucky for us, The Tyee found him and has started letting his […]

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Terahertz: Wrong, wrong, so very wrong

Apparently people respect Vito Tanzi. At least, that’s what an article in the Globe and Mail tells me, and their journalists must be impartial right? Tanzi apparently believes that because government spending has dropped as a fraction of the GDP in Canada and Sweden over the past 20 years. Neil Reynolds, the author of the […]

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