Democracy Under Fire: Best of Both Worlds

A guest article by Jared Milne. Politically, 2013 wasn’t much different than previous years. In Toronto, Rob Ford accused his opponents of wanting to keep the “gravy train” going, while his opponents accused him of hypocrisy and failing to live up to his promises. In Ottawa, the Conservative government accused

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Accidental Deliberations: New column day

Here, on the link between personality politics and the culture of scandal that’s developed around Stephen Harper, Rob Ford and other political figures. For further reading…– Once again, Dan Leger and Leslie MacKinnon provide the column’s starting point in discussing the central focus on scandals in 2013.– Eric Grenier’s year-end

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The Liberal Scarf: More shots fired in Ontario PC civil war as Education Critic Lisa MacLeod savages Transportation Critic Frank Klees on Twitter

As the Ontario PC civil war over Tim Hudak’s continued leadership rages on, here is what PC Education Critic (and many say potential future leadership candidate Lisa MacLeod) had to say to her fellow PC frontbencher and Transportation Critic Frank Klees. Next time the Hudak PC’s ask to be taken seriously

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At the Alberta Liberal Party’s annual general meeting in June more than two thirds voted to shut down the supporter system. As someone who championed the system when it was first introduced, and then pushed for it nationally for the federal Liberals, I must admit my failure to both Albertans and

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The Canadian Progressive: Harper Says New Anti-Trudeau Flier Is Part Of “Democratic Debate”

By: Obert Madondo | The Canadian Progressive:  Stephen Harper wants us all to believe that the Conservatives’ new anti-Trudeau household flier is part of “democratic debate.” The Harper Conservatives greeted Justin Trudeau‘s election as Liberal leader with a below-the-belt TV ad rejected by Canadians. This week, the Conservatives launched a tax-payer-funded flyer campaign attacking

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