Democracy Under Fire: An Assault on Democracy

“This is the thing about democracy that the convoy organizers, in all their innocence, do not understand: that rights come with responsibilities, and freedom comes with duties. This vaccine mandate is no different than other areas of compelled action – wearing seatbelts, getting the measles shot, showing ID before purchasing

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Democracy Under Fire: The Third Force…..

Garret Keizer, writing in Harper’s, theorizes that the problem (denial of any problem) goes deeper than the inevitable tension between liberals and conservatives. He argues that there is “a third force seeking hegemony over this world: stupidity.”  William deBuys in a lengthy article published in the canadiandimention brings our attention

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Democracy Under Fire: Political Polarization

As various writer dissect our recent election some observers are looking at the bigger picture…. “Political observers have been warning that the increasing polarization of Canadian politics is turning respectful disagreement on issues into open hostility. Examples of that trend were evident during the 2021 campaign………….. One of the earliest warnings

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Democracy Under Fire: Goodbye Blogger

For decades I have used the google search engine and posted my thoughts in google blogger but in recent days everything on that platform seems to have gone tilt. Firstly when using the google search engine the results screen comes up with the most horrible glaring red background with no

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Democracy Under Fire: A Scary Parallel….

  “Earlier in his career the world had watched him with amusement, that people refused to take him seriously, and as one action after another met with amazing success, this amusement was transformed into incredulousness. It was inconceivable that such a thing could actually happen in our modern civilization. A

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