Dead Wild Roses: Fascinating that…

Almost like there is something else going on.  Like a societal system that is completely indifferent to how one self-identifies and still codes people into dominant and oppressed roles. This is such a good question.  Why gender friends, are trans identified females not leading the vanguard they are after-all, (according

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Dead Wild Roses: Are you a woman?

There are lots of problems with how most of society treats transgendered people. Trying to sort out how best to rectify this has lead to many unproductive clashes. A major disagreement centres around whether biologically male transgendered people are actually women. My question to the BioMaleTrans is this: Why do

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Susan on the Soapbox: #Metoo?

Can we talk? Many men (and some women) worry that the #metoo movement has morphed into a man-hating witch hunt where innocent men will be publicly humiliated and deprived of their livelihoods by vindictive women spreading unfounded accusations. They point to the fate of three Canadian politicians, Ont PC leader,

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