Montreal Simon: Donald Trump’s Deranged and Dishonest War On the Media

As we know Donald Trump is always attacking the media, and going after reporters who criticize him, or don’t flatter his bloated ego.

Blasting away at them on his deranged Twitter account, in an obvious attempt to intimidate them.

He has vowed that if he becomes President he will change the law to make it easier to sue them for libel.

And this weekend his tiny fingers have been typing away furiously, threatening the New York Times.
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Montreal Simon: Donald Trump and the Mexican Nightmare

He launched his campaign like an angry orange Hitler on steroids, by calling Mexicans drug dealers and rapists, vowing to immediately deport 11 million undocumented immigrants.

Build a great wall along the southern border, and make Mexico pay for it.

But when Donald Trump realized he was alienating moderate Republicans and his polls were starting to resemble a rapidly deflating piñata, he decided he should moderate his image.

So off to Mexico he went…
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