Impolitical: Late night

Who knew a video of an Arctic research station, the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL) in Eureka, Nunavut, could be so oddly compelling. Maybe it’s the music. Maybe it’s the circumstances where a key Canadian scientific research asset in the Arctic is denied the $1.5 million it needs to

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The Liberal Scarf: Harper wants $80 million of your tax dollars to creep your emails That’s what it’ll cost you to give Stephen Harper the privlidge to look through your email’s and browsing history. It’s going to cost at least $80 million to implement the government’s lawful access bill to force internet and telecommunications service providers to collect customer information in case police need

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Canadian Progressive World: Willie Nelson & Our Beautiful Sustainable New World

Willie Nelson & Our Beautiful Sustainable New World (via EcoLocalizer) television commercial,inhumane factory farming,Willie Nelson,urgent importance,urgent need,visual masterpiece,horrific damage,significant task,Coldlpay song,resonant message,majestic poetry,Mexican restaurant,educational animation,short film,sustainable way,loathe,Coldplay,genius,antibiotics,restructuring,factory,chemicals,food system,deftly,The film,Chipotle

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