Canada II: Is the NCC a Super PAC?

It’s obvious, isn’t it? If you’ve been watching American television, and who hasn’t during the recent GOP convention Olympics, you know that Super PACs are third party funded operatives who do things on behalf of candidates. They do things that candidates can’t do. For example, they can raise unlimited amounts

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Red Tory v.3.0.3: No Debate… So What?

Rick Mercer rants against the erosion of public debate under the Harper Government® concerning various issues of the day and its paternalistic “My house, my rules” approach to enacting various decisions… Um, sorry, but isn’t this semi-dictatorial kind of behaviour the nature of majority governments in parliament and, truth be

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Larry Hubich's Blog: Net Benefit

“Rio Tinto and Caterpillar Electro Motive are newly minted Canadian corporate citizens who have locked their workers out to freeze and starve. These corporate muggers were allowed into Canada and encouraged in their anti Canadianism by the Harper Junta. It’s going to be a cold winter and a hot summer

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Red Tory v.3.0.3: Better Know a Flake

Give it up to the good folks in New Hampshire who last month actually staged a serious 2 hour-long C-SPAN forum for “lesser known candidates” running for President of the United States to broadcast their pitches to hundreds of viewers and answer legitimate questions from the press about government relations,

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