Writings of J. Todd Ring: How To Build A Better World?

See my four decades of published work as a philosopher & social-political analyst – on:AmazonRumbleSpotifyYoutubePinterestFacebookTwitter/XWordPressSubstackBlogSpotGood Reads… Especially: Enlightened Democracy The People vsThe Elite The Collapse of the West And Manifesto For The New Renaissance Summary:Tom Paine meets Jesus, the Buddha and Lao Tzu J. Todd Ring,June 18, 2024

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Writings of J. Todd Ring: Miserable People Sow Misery (Or fascism, genocide, violence, hatred, war…)

Miserable People Sow Misery:Be Compassionate To All Beings – Including Yourself Miserable people often love schadenfreude – evil joy: taking delight in other’s sufferings, failures or faults. It’s disgusting. No compassion at all. No empathy. Sheer, petty narcissism, self-centredness, stemming from a pathetic and delusional inferiority complex and hidden self-hate.

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Accidental Deliberations: Wednesday Afternoon Links

Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. – Thom Hartmann discusses how conservative policies and rhetoric both kill people even looking only at  homicides and suicides. Cory Doctorow points out how the conservative impetus to exacerbate inequality has resulted in the housing crisis – including through new means for the wealthy

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Accidental Deliberations: Wednesday Afternoon Links

Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. – Jess Davis reports on the World Meteorological Organization’s conclusion that 2023 saw the worst-ever level of climate breakdown under every key indicator. And Brett Christophers rightly argues that we’ll never make progress in combating the climate crisis as long as we’re operating under

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