
So, myself, Joey Oberhoffner, Derrick Jacobson (@AlbertaAltruist), Marc Doll (@DollHouseYYC), and Stephen Anderson (@StephenDAnderso) got together to eat tacos. For charity. For every taco eaten we’d get our pledges to donate. Pretty simple. Also, pretty awesome. With an anonymous donor matching up to $5,000, we just had to eat as

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350 or bust: Hallelujah

Posted last December, here is the Hallelujah Chorus brought to you by the 5th grade class of Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat in Quinhagak, Alaska. It was originally intended for an audience of about 200, in the surrounding villages. It has now had over 750,000 views. So, Merry Christmas from Quinhagak, Alaska! *Special

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