Northern Reflections: Enter Boris

Boris Johnson is about to enter 10 Downing Street. After he takes up residence there, the adventure will begin. Andrew Rawnsley writes: He will have to learn how to be prime minister. The schoolboy who wanted to be “world king” has spent many years lusting after the job, but that

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Accidental Deliberations: Tuesday Morning Links

This and that for your Tuesday reading. – Alastair Campbell discusses how the latest group of right-wing demagogues has progressed from being post-truth to being post-shame. – IMFBlog examines how the perpetual slashing of corporate tax rates has eliminated needed public revenue – particularly in lower-income countries – without producing

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Northern Reflections: The Coming Of Bo Jo

Tony Burman writes that it is now virtually certain that British Conservatives will choose Boris Johnson as their country’s Prime Minister. Think of that for a moment. The next British prime minister will be “Bo Jo the Clown:” Yes, during this next stage of Britain’s painful slow-motion national suicide, we

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