The Canadian Progressive: Obama’s Climate Action Plan a “Full-Throttle Endorsement” of Fracking: Experts

by: Institute for Public Accuracy | Press Release: STEVE HORN, @steve_horn1022: Horn is a research fellow for DeSmogBlog. He wrote yesterday: “President Obama announced his administration’s ‘Climate Action Plan‘ for cutting carbon pollution in his second term in the Oval Office at Georgetown University and unfortunately, it’s a full-throttle endorsement of every aspect

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Alberta Diary: The Six-Point-Four-Billion-Dollar Question: will the Redford Tories drop their budget balancing act?

Alberta Premier Alison Redford, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi talk to reporters with the swollen Bow River and Calgary’s skyline in the background. (Photo from Ms. Redford’s Facebook page.) Below: U.S. Republican contender Mitt Romney; Calgary talk show host Dave Rutherford. It is not unreasonable, in

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LeDaro: Barack Obama visits Israel

Obama is reporting to his boss Benjamin Netanyahu. It is baffling how a small country like Israel has so much influence over Obama, Harper and many European leaders. These very leaders complain and criticize Syria, and before that Libya, and provide help to overthrow their leaders. Yet no complaint about Israel’s atrocities

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Accidental Deliberations: Tuesday Morning Links

This and that for your Tuesday reading. – The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives has unveiled its alternative federal budget – which highlights the choice between the Cons’ needless austerity, and the 200,000-300,000 extra jobs which could be created alongside important social improvements which could be brought about through well-placed

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