cartoon life: Uffizzi two

Two and more hours in the Uffizzi. Aside from the absurdity of trying to apply a rational (perspective) system to an insane irrational scene of slaughter, and as this is only one of three panels, I can see how The Battle of San Romano drove Ucello insane. Huge crowds. Hot

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cartoon life: Uffizzi one

There was no way I could have drawn this, like I naively thought I might have been able too. The room was hot and filled periodically with waves of people admiring famous paintings. Astoundingly you can get within a foot or so to actually see the thing.  Filed under: art

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PostArctica: Lisa Ross “After Night”

Having previously photographed ritual objects and burial sites  of the Uyghur people of Western China in the series, Living Shrines, she has created a new series that documents the surprising number of beds to be found, apparently in the middle of nowhere, in the landscape outside of the Uyghur community.

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